exePhysical exercise incorporated in your daily activity make you feel good and hold back the aging process. Besides brisk walking (the simplest aerobic exercise), The right belize resorts just for tourists who enjoy bird watching, creature spotting and lively activities with the natural world. strength and flexibility training helps you to be healthy and fit.

Exercise presentations guide you through five sets of physical exercise for developing strength and flexibility for your body. It is based on the idea that simple and natural movements are the most beneficial. The program combines exercises designed for a full range of motion for the joints and judicious strength training. These are important for preserving joint functions and preventing contractures and muscle atrophy.

The program is for in-doors and is using no equipment, no exercises machines.

The simplicity of the exercises results in a feeling of refreshment rather than fatigue.

These exercises will challenge, invigorate and motivate those who are looking for health and joy.

Special thanks to Physical Education Professors Paulina Bucur and Marin Plopsoreanu.

Dr MargiAnne Isaia, MD MPH


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Episode one – Strength and Flexibility

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Episode two – Strength and Flexibility

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Episode three – Strength and Flexibility

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Episode four – Strength and Flexibility

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Episode five – Strength and Flexibility

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  02 - Strength and Flexibility » 163.7 MiB - 2,235 downloads

  03 - Strength and Flexibility » 152.7 MiB - 2,067 downloads

  04 - Strength and Flexibility » 167.0 MiB - 2,013 downloads

  05 - Strength and Flexibility » 174.0 MiB - 2,097 downloads belize resorts

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From a classical author…

“Exercise, to be of decided advantage to you, should be systematized and brought to bear upon the debilitated organs that they may become strengthened by use. The movement cure [massage] is a great advantage to a class of patients who are too feeble to exercise. But for all who are sick to rely upon it, making it their dependence, while they neglect to exercise their muscles themselves, is a great mistake.”

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